Monday, August 5, 2013

How to use my tissue covers with any brand

This post is for my detail oriented user. Although I attempted to design my covers to fit the family size Puffs box as perfectly as possible, it is not 100% precise. At times you may be able to get a slight glimpse of the store bought box underneath your beautiful cover. If you would like to fix this, as I did, you can do so easily.
Here is how:           Note: you only do this one time
1)   Buy one Family size Puffs box (approx. 9" x 5" x 5")
2)  With a marker or pen, mark approximately one inch around the front opening as shown by the dotted line in picture 1 below. 
3)   Use scissors or an Exacto knife (knife works best) to carefully cut off the top of the box as shown in picture 2 below.  
4)  Use scissors to carefully cut approximately one inch off around the front opening as shown by the dotted line in picture 2. 
5)   Reinforce each of the upper corners of the box with Scotch tape or a little glue as shown in picture 3 below. If you use glue, secure each corner with a paperclip or a cloth pin until the glue is dry.
6)  Refill the box with your favorite brand as needed.
7) Slide your great looking tissue cover over your favorite tissues and ENJOY !

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