Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's easier for me to adjust to Autumn with fun seasonal home decorations !

I know my calendar has been telling me that fall is here. I got my autumn decorations out and spend a good amount of time carefully placing them around our home and yard. Nonetheless, I have to admit that I was in denial. I know, I’m not ready for the change of seasons; I want to hang on to the beautiful mid 80’s temperatures here in Salt Lake. But then, yesterday I got a shot of reality. The definite sign that cannot be ignored, it’s happening! Our lawn is beginning to show the falling leaves from our box elder tree. It’s starting, whether I’m in denial or not. One of the things that helps me to adjust and enjoy the inevitable is the pleasure I get from the seasonal decorations around our beautiful home and yard. My seasonal tissue box covers are an important piece of this enjoyment. I love seeing a different design in each room we use them, and I love the functionality of this piece of decoration. I guess that’s my way of making the best out of the inevitable here in Salt Lake, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Happy Autumn.

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